Wanted: PINK PUSSYHATS™ for an art installation at Southern Vermont Arts Center as part of Solarfest’s Art and Activism exhibition. 

Hoping for at least one hundred so every hat counts! Hats can be on loan and returned, or they could be given and then redistributed to others in need of a Pussyhat™ after the show. Needed by April 17 - the show opens on April 22 and runs through May 7.

Solarfest’s mission is quite simple and also vital: to connect people, the arts, ideas and technology, fostering partnerships to create a vibrant present and a sustainable future.

Towards a sustainable future, Solarfest would like to support the conversations and energy generated from recent rallies and protests by creating a special exhibit and panel discussion on Arts and Activism at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. As you well know, Art can confront social or environmental injustice issues, often saying what words cannot, and can cause people to stop and look at things in a different way, creating movement towards positive social change.

200 hats are needed. Can we make this happen? We think we can. 

Please mail pussyhats to:

Beth Miller
817 Coy Hill Road
Middletown Springs, VT 05757


- Pussyhat Project